
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Sailing at Kohimarama


On Thursday 12th November room 7 went sailing at Kohimarama Beach.

We were divided into 2 equal groups, there were 12 in each group it was the morning group and afternoon group. I was put in the morning, we all arrived to school in our normal clothes and not in our school uniform. When we arrived at Kohimarama Beach, there were boats that weren’t set up. So the morning group got to set up the sail and got to sail first, it was also fun in the morning group because the tide was in and we got to sail even further.

When we got the boats in the water we had to help our partners get in the boat, my partner was Justin and he went first, it was very funny because while he was out in sea he somehow managed to flip the boat, but then the    instructor helped him flip the boat back around.

Justin was coming back alongside all the other boats, when he came back it was my turn to go on the boat, it was very hard steering the boat because you had to do two things at once. The two things you have to do is control the sail and steer the boat to the right direction.

After when we finish sailing we got change and had launch. This was 1 of the best days of my life.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Maths Test

Maths Test

Today at around 9:30am we started our PAT maths test. We had 45 minutes to finish and we had 41 questions to answer. The year 8’s and 7’s had a different test to each other, year 7’s had test 4, and year 8’s had  test 8. I struggled in my test because their was a lot of questions I didn’t understand, but when I kept reading it to myself over and over again, and then I understood the question. I was very happy because this was one of the most challenging maths test, and it was one of the best maths test.

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Writing Test Term 4 2015

Writing Test


Late last week room 7 had a writing test. The topic we had to write about was a special family time, I wrote about my brothers 21st birthday we still waiting for our report but this week we are having a P.A.T reading test.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

A Days at Rainbows End

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A Day at Rainbows End

During the 1st week of School Holidays it was my birthday, we celebrated my birthday by going to rainbows end. When we arrived, the first ride we went on was the Scorpion Karts. Me and my family had a race, I did terrible  because I came 3rd out of my family, it was really funny because my sisters would always crash into each other. Next we went to the Pirate Ship.

I thought that the pirate ship was scarier than the fear fall because the fear fall goes down very fast and the pirate ship keeps on going up and down until it goes very high and that’s when it starts to come down. But after that it was the Bumper Carts.

When we got to the bumper carts me and my family made a plan if we get bumped by anyone we will all go for that one person until they stop the ride. During that one of my family members bumped into me and we all went after her. We stopped bumping into her when the ride stop. After we went on the Bumper Boats.

The bumper boats was my least favorite because I got wet all the time so I am not going to talk about that. But the last ride we went on was the Family Karts. This was my favorite ride, because my sister would always crash into the corners, and the last time she crashed she went over the
barricade and me and my family started to laugh but then when we finished we went home.

Overall I think that was one of the best birthdays ever because that was my first time going to Rainbows End.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Busiest Day at St Pius X School


On September 18 2015 at St Pius X School it was a very busy day because we had a Grandparents Mass, speech competition, sausage sizzle and a dance at big lunch.  We all had a great time and had a wonderful time, but sadly we have to pack everything up. But overall I think that was the best day at St Pius X School.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Sacramental Moments

I can Find sign in nature that helps me to know more about God.

Sacramental Moments

Image result for beautiful tree
I think the person who created this tree was God, I think he has personified every aspect of beauty and life, the flowers are beautiful, and the bloom speaks of their life, the sunshine is revitalizing its an amazing theme. His creation is beautiful.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Percentage Beads


Today in maths I solved really hard questions by using my basic facts and what I know.

Monday, 7 September 2015


I learned that the 7 sacraments are placed in 3 groups, and the groups are, Initiation, Healing, and Commitment.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Kelly Tarlton Trip

Kelly Tarlton Trip

On August the 20th the whole of Saint Pius X Catholic School went to Kelly Tarltons to study about sea life. As soon as we went inside we descend down these stair, we were halfway down the ramp until a lady greeted us and told us what to do, where to go, and no running. After the lady finished talking she went away, and we carried on going down the ramp.

The first place we visited was Captain Scott’s old hut. This was a copy of the real hut that is in Antarctica, we saw how he was surviving on Antarctica, and what he used to survive. He was in Antarctica because he was trying to make his way to the North Pole. `

He was almost there but sadly he died in the cold. But inside the hut was very interesting things, there was mittens, boots, beds, a dinner table, a record player, and more things. When we finished there we went to see the PENGUINS!!!

When we went to see the penguins we saw heaps, we could see king penguins, emperor penguins, and baby penguins, we were reading information on the boards. We even got to see how they swim it was really cool but right next to the penguin was this table with 2 holes in them, but if you stick your hands in them there is actually really cold water with ice. When you take your hands out, your hand will be numb so than their is a towel to dry your hands.

The next animals we went to see, was the STING RAYS!!!!! When we went to see them there was a cafe right next to them so we decided to eat our morning tea next to them. Apparently at Kelly Tarltons they have the biggest sting ray in the worlds. But at kelly tarlton all their stingrays were girls.
It was really cool because a lady went inside with the stingrays and she was feeding them parts of squids and they really liked it. A fun fact about stingrays is they can sense if you're scared of them. But if it is your first time the stingrays will come up to you and splash water on your. Around the stingray area was a Megalodon Jaw. It was so big the I could fit inside the jaw. The next part of the trip we went inside are aquarium.

At this aquarium all we had to do was just stand on a platform and it will move us forward, but while you are standing on the platform we went by heaps of different sea creatures like a clown fish, blue tang, sharks, and more. When we finished we went up stairs to go and check out the seahorses.

When we arrived there was different kinds of seahorses, their was even a spot with a tv, and a chair that we could sit on. We were watching how they catched spiny seahorses, as soon as it finished we went to the education room to learn more about sea creatures.

We got to hold a shark jaw, the shark jaw my group held was a bull shark jaw, we got touch shark eggs, a very dry seahorse, and shark skin. When we finished there we had to go back to the bus, because it was time to go. Overall I thought it was pretty boring, because I have already been there before and the only new thing was the education room.

Friday, 7 August 2015

My Opinion on the Rainbow Fish Book

My Opinion on the Rainbow Fish Book

My opinion is that the Rainbow Fish made a good decision to share his scales.
Why it was a Good Decision :
  • It was a good decision because he made more friends,
  • He felt more happier then before,
  • He got to play with the fishes instead of showing off in front of them,
  • He got to talk to other people and make friends with one another.
Conclusion :

I think the message in the story was that you make even more friends if you share your special things with people you think you can trust.

Who am I?

Who am I?

Who am I
  • I am a large fish, I am a red fish, but in this picture I have pink, blue, and purple scales.  I can be cooked and eaten, I can be found in deep water, I can live up to 50 years, I can weigh up to 50 pounds, I can grow up to 40 inches. If you didn’t guess it I am a Snapper
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Friday, 24 July 2015

Basic Facts Test

Term 3
July 24 2015
Basic Facts Test

In my Basic facts test I did a bit better than before because I got 32/40. Next time I hope I still can get 35/40

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Dads 50th Birthday

Dads 50th Birthday

On July 9th 2015 it was my dad’s 50th birthday, we celebrated his 50th birthday at SKY CITY at the restaurant Fortuna. We started the day off by having a really big breakfast. After that my family and I went out to buy some gifts for my Dad.

Later on the day it reached seven o’ clock my family and I were all set and ready to go to the restaurant, when we arrived at the restaurant It was really packed. We were guided to the table where we seated ourselves, just as soon as we sat down we saw my brother and his family coming to say happy birthday to my dad.

First of all we sang happy birthday to him in the restaurant, and then we went and eat heaps of things. I first started with dessert, and I had a mountain ice-cream with chocolate covered syrup over it. Next I started with fish and chips, with a bowl of sushi and nachos. Later that night we had to go home because my whole family was full.

When we got home we rushed to our room to go and sleep. My dad felt really happy on his 50th birthday because most of his family was there to sing happy birthday to him. I was also really happy because I got to eat heaps of things without having to clean my mess.
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Monday, 20 July 2015

Lectio Divina

Today in Religious Education we learnt what is Lectio Divina 


We found out that Lectio Divina is a type of 

traditional prayer.

Lectio Divina is also a prayerful reading.

This is the word that I used in my Lectio Divina prayer.
Dear God please help me to be THANKFUL for things that I get from my family and other.


Friday, 26 June 2015

Basic Facts Test

Friday June 26 2015
Basic Facts Test

In my Basic Facts test I did okay because I got 29/40. Next time I hope I can get 35 right.

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Thursday, 25 June 2015

The Virtue that Grows in me the Most

The virtue that grows in me most is Kindness.

Problem Solving

This is a short clip of me working out what this math equation is.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Anzac Remembrance

Early this term we had a special A.N.Z.A.C liturgy at St Pius X Catholic School. This was a special day because this is the 100th year we have celebrated A.N.Z.A.C day.

I am David Chapter 1

This is my Google Draw when David is escaping the concentration camp.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Report on Jesus Getting Baptized

To identify how Jesus was empowered by the Holy Spirit?

‘Voice heard from the skies when it opened’

On a calm sunny afternoon while Jesus was getting baptized at the river Jordan, by John the Baptist, the sky opened, and a voice came from nowhere  “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Some people say it was God from heaven and some people say aliens. Someone from the audience said “ Is Jesus God son?”

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Swimming Reccount

Swimming Recount

Just before big lunch room 7 had their first swim in 2 years at St Pius X School. There were a lot of excited people ready to swim, I was excited too, but when I saw the pool I was more excited because I thought it was going to be warm. But sadly when I entered the water I was freezing.

First to begin with, we went into a tent to get change, there was a boys tent and a girls tent. When we finished changing out of our school uniform we were greeted from a lady outside her name was Pam. She told us where we will be going inside the swimming pool.

When we got in the massive tent with the swimming pool inside we saw our instructors. First we were tested to see if we were good or alright. The alright people went to level 1 with one of the instructors, the level 1 instructor name was Joseph. The good people went to level 2 with a different instructor and her name was Emma.

I was put into level 1 we first used the floating boards to glide through the water. We kept practising with the floating boards, and then we used no floating boards. After we kept doing the samething with the boards and then stopped and used no boards.

Later we had to go out because the next class came.
But overall swimming is a awesome kiwisport, it is a really good exercise to do.

Monday, 11 May 2015

Mothers Day Writing

Mothers Day Writing

My mum is really special to me, she is the most important person in my life including my dad.

My mum has red short hair, her skin color is tan, she is short, she is skinny, she is hard working, funny, helpful and most of the times happy, she is always cheerful and she likes talking to other people.

She is the best person ever, the reason why is because she makes me pancakes, buys me new clothes and she buys me all the things like my xbox one, xbox 360, and new games.

When she hugs me she feels soft and warm, she is always positive in anything my family does, she is very beautiful and she is nice. The only time she isn’t not nice is when she doesn’t get told anything that has happened recently.

My mum is the best thing I can ever wish for.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Holy Spirit

This week I am going to find out about how the holy spirit works in the bible.



Dear Folauhola, Valensia, Joshua and Aurora,

this morning it was the first time that our whole school gathered around the grotto you missed out on when we sang the New Zealand National Anthem and we listened to everyone read their parts. Hope you had a good time at your house.

From Paul.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Thank You Letter to Halamehi

Dear Halamehi

Hope you have a wonderful time at Australia, thank you for supporting St Pius X with everything you have done. Like giving us new rain coats and pants, and setting up play group, and Breakfast, and many more.

We hope you have a great time in Australia.

From Paul.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Hokulea Visit

In this picture the Hokulea has arrived and everyone is getting ready to sing the songs.

Reading Notes

Reading Notes

In class we know how to read Music.

Mums Birthday


We woke up on a bright sunny day I almost forgot that it was my mum’s birthday until I heard, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” I quickly went to say happy birthday to my lovely mum. My Dad took my mum out to play bingo, well me and my whole family went out to buy the best things that were good for a surprise party.

So me and my sisters, including my little niece rushed out of the house and went to the warehouse to get decorations for the birthday, we grabbed balloons, streamers, and more stuff.
We quickly rushed out to the next location but first we had some Burger King.

Next we had to go to cheesecake shop so we can get my mum two cakes the two cakes were a Chocolate mud cake and a American Cheese Cake that said ’Happy 21st Birthday Mum’ . We waited for a while the we left as soon as we got it, then we made another quick stop at McDonalds.

After we went to pak’n’save but time was not on our side so we called my dad to give us extra time, so he did. We finally got to pak’n’save and grabbed the food we needed. My sister took us all home so we can get ready for the birthday. My sister’s went out again to buy something, I did not know what they were going to buy.

When they came back home I realised that they went out and bought 8 bottles of fizzy drinks. They came back and my whole family put the food on the table we were so hungry, we were finally finished with everything now all we had to do was play the waiting game.

My sisters were all excited to surprise my mother they were going on and on about what they were going to say well my brothers were on the phone. When they walked in we gave my mum a big “SURPRISE!” then after we did that we sat down and we all sang happy birthday to the best mum ever.

Then everything was finish we ate more food afterwards, and my mother was overjoyed, and we had more cake and ice cream. Later we eventually had to clean everything up.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Pt England


Pt England

Before my eyes an amazing
scene unfolded ........
the calm waters of the Tamaki estuary
bush covered headland
green banks covered with trees.
Quiet and calm.

On the 25th of February we went to Pt England to see a special boat that had been traveling for 40 years around the world.

The juniors took a bus to Pt England and the seniors walked there.
The walk was so exhausting because we walked down Line Road and went through the reserve behind the police station. The best part of the walk, was when we went through the reserve because it was nice and quiet, and there was a tree that had fallen on another tree.
That was an amazing scene.

It was so hot that most the kids couldn't take it and they had to take off their jumpers, We kept walking and walking, we went past a small farm that only had a black horse and a white horse,
When we got there thousands of kids were there and lots of people were there. There was 12 different kind of schools the schools were Glen Brae, Glen Innes Primary, Pt England, and more of the schools that I can’t remember what there name is.

Later we got to see the Hokulea and another boat. After that we heard speeches from kids my age and elders. Then the crew from the Houkela got to talk. We got to high five the crew some of them were from my school some of them knew us.

At the end it was cool because instead of walking back to school we got a ride back to school thanks to Mr Gaffney.  

When we got back to school we had morning tea.

Thursday, 19 March 2015


This term my class has been learning 3 different types of sentences in writing. The sentences are Compound, Complex, and simple.
Complex Sentence - Is 2 independent clauses or more coming together to make 1 sentence. Example: Because I like grammar, I love this class. Simple Sentence - Example: I have a pet dog named Sheryl.
Compound Sentence - Includes the words - for, and, so, but, or and yet. Or will have a semi-colon and is made up with 2 or more simple sentences.

Red - Compound
Blue - Complex
Yellow - Simple

We went home and put the food on the table chose a song to play on the speaker. Got my little niece to sit on a chair. We had balloons on the wall. Then when they walked in my family said SURPRISE!!!!!!

My mum was overjoyed. Then we ate all the food.

Names of Jesus

Monday, 2 March 2015


Acrostic Poem

R - R is for Relying on  each other, When Relating we need to rely on one another
E - E is for Excellent when we do our work, we need to have excellent, in our work.
L - L is for Love, we show Love by helping other when they struggle in their work.
A -  A is for Affection, We need to use affection when we relate to others
T - T for Trust. Trust is a big part of relating to others so you believe in someone.
I - I is for Integrity, Integrity is being honest with your classmates and doing the right thing.  
N - N is for Nobility, When we relating to others, we need to have nobility .

G - G is for Glue, we need to glue together to be able to relate  

Friday, 27 February 2015

Learning Journal

Star test
On Wednesday I think I did good in my star test.
Next time when I do another star test I hope I can be more confident in comprehension.
On Tuesday It was an awesome test because we got to experience the new test online.
Next time I hope to do it online again.
Today In writing I thought I did really good.
I hope I can do better next time we do the writing test.
On Thursday we had our maths test we did it online with our netbooks I found it a lot better than on paper.
I hope we carry on with this new experince